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Hose Reels

The Hose Reels category from Shelley Automation includes a wide range of hose reels for a variety of applications, and budget requirements:

  • Redashe Reels: Known for their robustness and reliability, Redashe reels are available in open and closed options, with multiple body materials including stainless steel. They come in a range of configurations to suit any workshop need.
  • GP Reels: A more budget-friendly option, GP reels offer good value without compromising on quality. They are also available in open and closed styles.
  • CEJN Closed Reels: Known for their durability and safety features, CEJN hose reels feature robust steel housing, slow retraction with a unique soft stop-ball, and a pressure relief valve for added safety.
  • Jamec Reels: A range of professional hose reels which can be used in gardens for watering and in workshops