Can you save costs by detecting air leaks in your equipment?

With continuing escalating costs and the most recent U-turn on the mini budget by Jeremy Hunt, businesses continue to suffer financial pressure in the current climate, with no clear signs of it easing from the Government as yet.

Are you ensuring you are reducing wastage and costs on all your air operated equipment?

One 6mm hole (or a collection adding up to that value) can use 103CFM. Based on the average screw compressor producing around 5CFM per kilowatt and a piston machine at about 4CFM per kilowatt, this equates to approximately 25kilowatt of electrical energy just to maintain your air leaks. And it is not just the cost of the air leaks, but also maintenance of the compressor required to do so. Thus, the costs included are:
  • Your initial purchase
  • Your energy
  • Your maintenance

There are several ways to detect your air leaks. We offer the following:
Air leaks can come from various parts of your pneumatic system. The most common areas for the detection of simple leaks are where the nylon tube or tubing is not fitted into the fitting correctly or where a fitting goes into air preparation equipment or into a control valve.

Call 01484 860920 or 07970 710408 for further information, or to discuss your requirements.